Detailed Analysis

AuthorPeter Jamadar/Elron Elahie/Richard Jamadar
Changes in general awareness, specific foci
These general indications of increased awareness were corroborated by the responses to
more specific and focused inquiries. As explained above, we consider this significant. The
7-point Likert scale choices were: always aware, very aware, often aware, sometimes aware, not
usually aware, rarely aware, and never aware. We repeat, change is premised on choice, and
choice is facilitated by awareness. Thus increased capacity for awarnessing, increases the
likelihood of choice-making aligned with intention or purpose, and hence growth and
development towards building greater degrees of integrity.
Internal Dimensions
In relation to thoughts, the awarenessing of which can allow a judicial officer to take stock
of what they are thinking about in court and exercise choice to make changes, the data is
very promising. With increases up to 65% and 29% (from 60% and 20%) respectively,
participants reported being very aware and often aware of their thoughts. Significantly, no
one of the 20% who reported being always aware of their thoughts in the entrance survey
(or any others), maintained or asserted that position in the exit survey.
Before practicing Intentional Awarenessing several participants believed that they were
always aware of their thoughts. However, after the practice period these participants
realised that this was not so. This in fact appears to show an increase in awareness
brought about by the practices: the practices led to increased awarnessing, which in
turn led to the realization that participants were not actually always aware of their
thoughts. This conclusion is supported by the fact that in the entrance survey no one
believed that they were sometimes aware’ of their thoughts or any of the other lesser
degrees of awareness. However, on the exit survey 6% stated that they were sometimes
aware. Again, reflecting an increase in sensitivity to the degree of awareness after the
practice. Fig 15 graphically represents this data.
Fig 15
A reasonable conclusion that can be drawn from this data, is that in the internal
individual dimension, the capacity for awarenessing of thoughts was increased as a
consequence of the practices.
Similar results were shown in relation to awarenessing of emotions, bodily sensations,
and inner reactions to changing circumstances. However, the increases were quite
substantial: increases for emotions, bodily sensations, and inner reactions, up to 70%,
41%, and 65% (from 45%, 25%, and 35%) respectively for being very aware; and in the case
of bodily sensations and inner reactions, increases from 20% to 53% and from 20% to 24%
respectively for being often aware. Figs 16-18 graphically present these findings.
Fig 16
Fig 17
Fig 18
Taken in the round, the increased awarenessing shifts in emotions, bodily sensations, and
inner reactions were remarkably higher than for thoughts. This may be explained by the
fact that judicial officers focus dominantly on cognitive processes while in court, and less
on the other aspects of their experiencing. They are therefore probably actually and
habitually more in tune with their thoughts. Hence, with specific practices designed to
heighten inner awareness with a focus on non-cognitive phenomenon, sensitivity in these
domains increased as indicated. This further points to the potential efficacy of the
practices for the purposes of increasing levels of inner awareness in judicial officers, with
a potential application while in the courtroom.
It is important to pause and reflect on an aspect of this data. That is, the relatively low
levels of awareness that judicial officers appear to ordinarily have (without any
intentional and conscious development) in relation to emotions, bodily sensations, and
inner reactions to changing circumstances. Could this be the result of an occupational
de-sensitization, an under-development in these areas as a consequence of
disproportionate emphasis on cognitive functions? Whatever the causes, if procedural

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